Linkfly Vs. Linktree What is the Best Tool?

Created on 5 February, 2023 | Link in Bio Tools - Reviews and Comparisons | 865 views | 11 minutes read

Are you looking for the best tool to manage and track clicks on your social media posts? Linkfly and Linktree are two of the most popular options, but which one should you choose? In this article, we’ll compare the two and help you decide which is best for your needs.


Linkfly and Linktree are two popular tools used by those wanting to increase their reach on social media and maximize the potential of their links. They both enable users to create links that lead followers to multiple webpages, allowing them to share more information in a shorter timespan. In this comparison, we look at both Linkfly and Linktree to see which one is best for different online starters.

Both these tools are easy-to-use and have a number of features that could benefit users looking for a simple platform from which to share multiple links. We will look at what each one offer, whether there is a cost associated with using them, as well as any other advantages or disadvantages that may be important for online beginners. From this guide, we hope you will be able to make an informed decision on which tool would work best for you.

Overview of Linkfly

Linkfly is a free service that allows businesses, influencers, and brands to create short branded Linksigns. These Linksigns contain multiple deep links which open different webpages according to the parameters defined. This allows you to point users in the right direction and removes the need for multiple long URLs.

Linkfly enables you to set up a customized landing page or use your own domain name so that users land directly on your website. Furthermore, you can track specific metrics like clicks, conversions, and demographics so that you can assess performance and learn how traffic is moving across different destinations on the web. As with several other Link solutions, Linkfly also offers an affiliate program where brands can earn commission through referrals.

Linkfly helps users achieve greater efficiency from their Link strategy as it provides insights on click behavior, carousel previews of all user destinations (including social profile previews), customizable designs on mobile and desktop platforms, optimized vanity URLs and more. With this service, marketers have access to real-time data analytics such as total link visits, referrals mapped by source country or device type and even more detailed metrics such as:

  • Impressions & conversions data broken down by day/week/month.

Overview of Linktree

Linktree is an online tool designed to make the process of managing multiple redirect links across platforms easier. Rather than having links scattered across multiple websites or social media accounts, users can create a single page that contains links to all necessary sources. Linktree is free, easy to use and optimized for mobile so it can be accessed from any device. It also offers a customizable theme, branded graphics/images and a basic analytics tool.

Additionally, users can embed Trackable URLS as part of their Linktree page which makes it easier to track how many views link clicks generate and what works best in terms of redirects. All-in-all, Linktree is an ideal solution for businesses or individuals who are looking for an easy way to organize and keep track of multiple redirect links in one place.

Comparison of Linkfly and Linktree

Social media has made it easier than ever for people to promote their work, products, and services online. It's more important than ever for individuals and businesses to create high-quality landing pages that link to all of the various websites, articles, and resources associated with their brand. Linkfly and Linktree are two popular tools used to create such pages. To understand which of these tools is the best choice for you, it can help to examine both in terms of their features and ease of use.

Linkfly is a web-based landing page creator that allows users to quickly build beautiful template-based pages that can include links, images, videos, forms and text content. Linkfly offers free plans as well as paid premium plans.

Linktree is an app specifically designed to generate a single page with multiple hyperlinks towards other websites or social networks. It integrates easily with social media profiles like Instagram which makes it convenient for users who want a simple way to showcase a variety of external links on one page. It's easy to craft custom URLs as well as pick from dozens of templates or other advanced features such as tracking analytics or CSS editing ability with Linktree’s paid plans seperately offered from its basic plan. Both services offer useful features but there are some key differences between these two tools.

When comparing Linkfly vs Linktree, it’s important to note that the former enables users to create full webpage experiences while the latter is designed specifically for linking out from one single page source. Furthermore Linkfly's widget based format allows more flexibility for creating more intricate landing pages without requiring any coding knowledge, while Linktree offers minimal design capabilities. Ultimately the decision between these two tools will come down personal preference and use case – both are great options depending on what you're looking for in terms of feature set or cost!

Pros and Cons of Linkfly

Linkfly is a well-rounded marketing tool that allows businesses and users to create highly visible and customizable landing pages with embedded links. It’s suited for many different types of businesses, individuals, and influencers who want high-quality landing pages.

Pros include:

  • Customizable look and feel: You can easily customize the design of your landing page to match your brand style. With ready-made templates, you can create a professional look for any type of business or personal site.

  • Tracking features & multi-platform support: Linkfly comes with features like URL shortening and exclusive tracking metrics, which let you analyze conversions in real time. The platform also supports multiple platforms such as Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Facebook etc., making it easier to promote across different media outlets.

  • Easy integration with existing sites: This tool is designed to be integrated into existing websites in minutes without the need for coding skills or technical knowledge. It’s also easy to integrate with Google Analytics for more advanced analytics tracking.

  • Robust security & privacy settings: Linkfly has implemented robust security measures so you can feel secure in knowing that your data remains safe and private at all times. All information is securely stored on its servers located across the world with industry standard encryption technology in place.

Pros and Cons of Linktree

Linktree is a powerful social media tool that allows users to easily create custom, branded links for their profiles. It provides a professional, unified look for all of your links, making it easier than ever to direct followers to the resources they need. Linktree also comes with very useful analytics tools so you can better understand how your followers are engaging with the tools you provide.

The main pros of Linktree include:

  • Easy setup and customization - You can easily create a link tree in minutes and customize it in whatever style you choose.

  • Professional look - Creating a branded link looks professional and polished.

  • Engagement tracking - You can use Linktree’s analytics feature to track how many people are clicking on each link and engage more effectively with followers.

  • Advanced features - Linktree offers additional features such as background images and text customization that can further enhance the user experience of your link tree.

The primary cons of Linktree include:

  • Limited platform support - Linktree currently only works with Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, FaceBook, Pinterest and Twitter (with limited functionality). Other platforms such as TikTok do not yet offer any integration options with Link tree.

  • Lack of integration options - While you can customize your link graphic within the platform, there aren’t too many integration options offered by Linktree outside of the basic ones available on their site.

  • Navigation limitations – Since there are no sorting or categorization options for links within each profile page, you will have to manage them manually which could get cumbersome if you have too many links to deal with.

Linkfly is an alternative tool for creating customized online profiles for social media platforms like Instagram and YouTube that has many advantages over its competitors including LinkTree. Some key advantages of using Linkfly include:

  • Increased Platform Support – Unlike LinkTree which currently only supports 6 major platforms (Instagram, LinkedIn etc.),Linkfly offers users the ability to create make customized landing pages across most major social media channels including Snapchat, TikTok etc..

  • Advanced Features – Compared to its rivals.-Linkfly offers an impressive array features such as analytics tracking & powerful customization& organization features which help give more credibility & control over how you present yourself online!


After looking at the features of Linkfly and Linktree, it is clear that each of these tools has its own set of benefits.

  • Linkfly offers users a variety of features to customize their link page with images, text, and interactive CTA's to increase engagement. It also allows users to leverage digital marketing techniques such as Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to drive more traffic. The downside is that the free plan does not offer any analytics.

  • Linktree allows users to efficiently build an online presence through one single link by creating multiple links at once on their page. It also offers comprehensive analytics that can be used to measure the impact of campaigns and track different metrics like clicks and impressions over time. However, users cannot customize the design or appearance of their page with this tool.

Overall, choosing the best tool will depend on your needs and preferences. If you are looking for an easy way to create multiple links in one place, Linktree might be the better option for you; however, if you need more customization options, then Linkfly is probably what you’re looking for. Ultimately it is important for users to select a platform that ticks off all their requirements as each website may serve different purposes for different people.


The goal of any link management tool is to provide you with the ability to organize and track links in one place. There are a few popular tools that can help you with this, but Linkfly and Linktree are two of the most well-known and highly rated options out there.

  • Linkfly is a free link shortening service, providing you with the ability to create shorter, more manageable URLs which will make it easier for your audience to find what they are looking for. In addition, it allows you to personalize your links with a variety of colors and styles and also provides you with real-time metrics on clicks so that you can see how well performances. This can be very helpful for tracking campaigns or promotional efforts.

  • Linktree is a platform that allows you to consolidate your bio links into one place, creating an easy way for people to access all the different websites or pages linked from your profile at once. It also gives users control over the look and feel of their page by offering custom themes and colors, as well as helpful features such as message templates. With features like social media integrations and Bitly compatibility, Linktree provides many useful capabilities in one convenient package outside of its essential URL shortening functions.

It should be noted that both of these tools have their own pros and cons, depending on the individual’s needs or preferences. Linkfly offers more sophisticated features like real-time metrics while Linktree’s ability to customize themes or create entire pages makes it appealing for those interested in creating content hubs within their profile page descriptions. Ultimately, both have their advantages depending on how each user chooses to streamline their links online.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is Linkfly?

A: Linkfly is a free link management tool that allows you to easily create a custom page for your social media profiles, website, and other digital platforms. It also helps you to track clicks and analyze data.

Q: What is Linktree?

A: Linktree is a free link-shortening and link-management platform that makes it easy to create a custom page for your social media profiles, website, and other digital platforms. It also helps you to track clicks, measure performance, and analyze data.

Q: What is the difference between Linkfly and Linktree?

A: The main difference between Linkfly and Linktree is that Linkfly is free while Linktree offers a paid plan with additional features such as link-shortening and data analysis. Additionally, Linkfly offers an intuitive drag and drop interface that makes it easy to customize and manage your links.

Updated on 5 February, 2023