LinkTree Vs. Website Pros and Cons

Created on 5 February, 2023 | Link in Bio Tools - Reviews and Comparisons | 739 views | 11 minutes read

Are you unsure of what the best platform is for your blog? Linktree and Website each offer unique advantages and drawbacks; allowing you to make the right decision for your blog. Discover the pros and cons of Linktree and a website, so you can decide which one is the right fit for you.


When it comes to the pros and cons of choosing between a Linktree or a website for your digital presence, there are both advantages and disadvantages to consider. In this article, we will discuss the various points to consider when deciding which is the right choice for you.

Linktree is a very popular platform that allows users to create a series of landing pages all connected to one simple link. This type of platform can be very useful in simplifying your online presence by providing an easy way to promote multiple pieces of content at once and creating an organized structure for visitors who have clicked your link.

However, if you need more extensive content or layout options than what Linktree offers, then you may want to consider building a website instead. A website allows you more options when it comes to presenting content or images in ways that are both unique and engaging for visitors. Additionally, developing your own website will offer greater search engine optimization (SEO) capabilities because search engines can index individual pages on your site as opposed to multiple redirects from one page into another from Linktree's platform.

When considering the pros and cons between utilizing Linktree or building a website, evaluate the necessary features for satisfying the goals of both yourself and potential customers/followers – whether it’s showcasing information about yourself or promoting products/services – before deciding on which strategy best serves your needs going forward.

What is Linktree?

Linktree is a platform that allows users to create a single link, called a "Linktree link" which can be shared anywhere online. When someone clicks on the Linktree link, they are taken to a web page that contains several clickable links to other web pages. This feature makes it easy for website visitors and social media followers to find exactly what they’re looking for with minimal effort.

Linktree is great for those who are either unable to create or maintain their own professional website, or don't want the hassle of one and just need something simple and straightforward. It’s also highly customizable and will reflect your brand aesthetic. Linktree allows you to quickly add links directly from popular services such as YouTube, iTunes, Shopify, Instagram, and more.

At the same time, it's important to remember that while Linktree has a variety of features and benefits that make it an attractive option, there are some drawbacks when compared with having your own website. As we will explore in this article, it’s important to understand both the pros and cons of using Linktree so you can better decide which platform is right for you.

What is a Website?

A website is an online presence that can present information, products and services over the internet, usually via a web browser. Websites vary greatly in terms of how much content they contain, how complex their features are, and how often they are updated. For most businesses or organizations, a website serves as the main digital representation.

A website also serves as an effective asset that can generate leads and sales through enhanced visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs). The benefits of having a website are numerous; it allows users to access important information about your business from anywhere with an internet connection. A website also serves as an immediate point of contact for potential customers. Additionally, having a well-designed website will ensure you have an effective user experience which helps build trust with your audience and increases the likelihood of making more sales or converting more leads.

On top of this, websites are a great way to establish authority within your industry by providing helpful content such as blog posts or eBooks that educate visitors about topics related to your products/services. With all these advantages, it’s no wonder why websites are so popular for businesses today!

Linktree vs Website: Pros

When looking into the pros of using a Linktree versus a website, there are several major benefits.

  • First, having a Linktree is much easier and faster to set-up than building and managing a website. A Linktree account can be created in minutes and customized to suit individual needs. This makes it perfect for businesses, organizations, entrepreneurs and creatives who want an online presence but don’t necessarily need all the features that come with a full-fledged site.

  • Second, Linktrees are extremely lightweight and require little-to-no hosting costs. Those who don’t have much knowledge or experience setting up web hosting can save time by taking advantage of the free accounts offered by some providers like “LinkTreePro” or “LinkTreeHQ”.

  • Third, link trees offer an easy way to create bio links for profiles like Instagram or Twitter which help increase visibility on social media platforms. When someone clicks on your profile link from within one of these apps, they will be taken directly to the page where you have listed most important links for them including blog posts, websites and more. This saves users valuable time since they won’t have to do any extra searching for additional information or external content related to your profile.

  • Finally, many people find using link trees more aesthetically pleasing than traditional websites since there aren’t any long pages of text or visuals that can become overwhelming when packed into one place - leaving an overall cleaner look while still providing visitors with valuable information they need without any distractions.

Linktree vs Website: Cons

When considering the pros and cons of building a website versus using a Linktree, it’s important to examine the functionality and user experience of each approach.

Linktree Pros:

  • Quick setup time and relatively low cost

  • Easy to interact with other platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, etc

  • Able to organize and manage multiple links in one place

Linktree Cons:

  • Limited customization options means that you have limited control over the presentation of your profile

  • Navigation is rudimentary compared to a website built with hyperlinks

  • Generally unable to track users or acquire detailed user data

  • Limited information architecture means that Linktree may not be well suited for larger websites or brands with an extensive service offering

Website Pros:

  • Ability to create an immersive experience tailored for target audience

  • Comprehensive navigation structure helps users find relevant content quickly

  • Comprehensive tracking capabilities help maximize traffic and conversion metrics

  • Full customization options make it possible to create a unique design identity

  • Content can be easily maintained by leveraging web development tools like Wix or WordPress

Website Cons:

  • Longer setup time and relatively higher cost for web developers and hosting services

  • Requires additional resources for creating image assets, content planning & SEO optimization

Linktree vs Website: Cost Comparison

When it comes to deciding between a linktree and a website, cost is an important factor. Linktrees are often free, while websites come with various associated costs depending on the type of website, hosting fees and other features you may use or require.

  • Linktree Costs: Linktrees can often be created for free. Many platforms offer their basic level services for free, and more advanced features may carry an additional fee. Paid add-ons for linktree generators may include advanced analytics, custom templates and clickable backgrounds.

  • Website Costs: Website costs depend on many factors such as the platform you choose, hosting fees, complexity of design and content used as well as any additional plugins or software you might use. On average websites usually cost more than linktrees due to their more complex setup and maintenance requirements. Depending on the particular needs of your target audience a website might be necessary to adequately serve them with either information or online services they need access to help explain your brand’s purpose better in the long-term; or display products or services that are difficult to explain through a basic landing page set up through a link tree platform. Website costs should also factor ongoing maintenance such as security patches and content updates in order to remain up-to-date with changes on the web over time – some businesses opt to pay ongoing retainers in order to keep their websites functional, secure & current over time if they lack the internal resource available to attend this in house.

Linktree vs Website: Suitability

When deciding between a Linktree page or a full website for your business, there are several factors to consider such as cost, ease of use, customization abilities, and analytics. When considering the suitability of each option, there are some important points worth taking into account.

Linktree offers a simple way to present yourself and provide links to your content. Its free plan provides you with ample customization options but limitations do exist when compared to building out a website. Analytics such as clicks and views are only provided when upgrading to the pro plan which is $6 per month. Additionally, Linktree’s overall branding options may be limited when compared to having an independent website with its own domain name.

Building out an independent website requires more setup time than Linktree but allows for more creative control over branding and analytics tracking capabilities from services like Google Analytics. Furthermore, depending on the hosting service used setting up a website may be quite affordable – starting as low as $3 per month in many cases. However, websites may require more technical skills to set up and manage than Linktree does and this should be taken into account when making your decision.

Ultimately, choosing between a Linktree page or full website comes down to considering your budget abilities and the type of look you want in order to best represent yourself or your business online.


After considering the pros and cons of both a Linktree and website, it is clear that a website provides many more benefits in terms of user experience, customizability, and impact. Websites provide users with an immersive experience, allow for personalization and branding to be used in full effect, and allow you to engage with your audience in ways that a Linktree can’t.

However, the initial investment required for setting up a website is significantly more expensive than the cost of setting up a Linktree page. This makes it harder for those with limited budgets to create quality websites that align with their branding goals. Additionally, websites are often difficult to maintain due to their complexity; making it easier for users to become overwhelmed in the midst of web design and development processes.

Ultimately, deciding between a Linktree or website depends on your desired objectives and budget capacity. If you decide to go with a website, enlisting developer assistance may be essential depending on the platform you use; if so make sure they will not just build but also oversee the maintenance and security of your site in order to prevent any unwanted errors or down time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are the benefits of using Linktree over a website?

A: Linktree is a simple and effective way to share multiple links with your followers. It is quick to set up, can be easily customized, and does not require any coding knowledge. It also saves you time by allowing you to manage all your links in one place.

Q: What are the drawbacks of using Linktree instead of a website?

A: The main drawback of using Linktree instead of a website is that it is limited in terms of features and design. It does not allow you to add pages, blog posts, or other content, so it is not suitable for long-term projects or complex sites. Furthermore, it is less customizable than a website and does not provide the same level of control.

Q: What is the best way to decide between using Linktree or a website?

A: The best way to decide is to consider the purpose of your project and the level of customization and control you need. If you are just looking for a simple way to share multiple links with followers, Linktree is a great choice. However, if you need more features and control, a website is likely the better option.

Updated on 5 February, 2023